Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weather or Not

Life on the North Shore is truly God's country......In the SUMMER!!!!  Oh my goodness!  The last two weeks here have been short of hell when it comes to driving (or should I ability to drive, or not) in the elements that winter weather brings.

December brought lots of snow for our entire state.  Schools were closed, businesses were closed, friends were snowed in their homes. etc.  So I am not alone when it comes to white knuckle driving.  However, up until last winter (which was pretty tame) I wasn't required to drive in the elements if I chose not to.  I ran a child day care center out of my home for 16 years prior to my move to God's country.  Just roll out of bed put my feet on the floor and "shazaam!", I was at work.   NOW?  I drive 25 miles to work one way and several times during the year (38 times to be exact) I spend 12 hours behind the wheel (15.5 last Monday) transporting precious cargo, aka, my children, back and forth from their father's home to mine and back.

It all began December 27th.  Down to pick up my kids.  12.5 hours on the road.  Uneventful.

The 30th of December proved to me my scariest commute to work by far.  I live on a gravel road.  That small stretch was smooth sailing.  When I hit the tar?  It went all down hill (literally).  The night before brought freezing rain and the temperature remained steady at 33 degrees.  Either freeze or thaw!  Make up your damn mind!  When I hit the tar my car completely spun around in the middle of the road.  There were cars coming down the hill fish tailing as far up as I could see.  I had to keep moving to avoid being hit.  I ended up part way in the ditch in order to stop sliding and decided I would crawl down the hill and get off the main road at the first available side road.  I made it and parked.  Whew!  As I watched cars sliding by and took note of a semi not able to make it up the hill, I kept thinking, hmm, I may be here for hours but at least I am off the main road.  I called my sweetheart and let him know what was going on and to give him warning of the road conditions.  I then called my immediate boss to let her know I would more then likely be late or not make it in at all.  Just then the General Manager of my place of employment pulled up next to me (he is our neighbor).  He saw me and knew I would not be very happy.  He sat there for about 20 minutes and decided to make another attempt at it.  I wasn't up for it yet.  We exchanged phone numbers and off he went.  Another 20 minutes went by and my phone rang.  It was my GM. He had made it to town.  He said it was much better and that I should just go slow and not to worry about being late for work.  So I proceeded and safely made it to town.  5 miles down 20 to go.  The road between town and work was just wet and all was fine.  I was 6 minutes late for work.  grrrrrr.

We had icy roads for the next 2 days and I was late for work one more time.

January 3rd.......time to take the kids back to their dads.  First 300 miles was perfect.  The 300 miles after that?  Not so much.  After I dropped them off it started to snow.  The road got slippery and it was 40 mph for over 100 miles.   The weather cleared up about half way home and all seemed to be good, tired but good, until I crossed our county line.  Then guess what?  More snow?  No!  Besides lots of winter weather here we have a lot of.......DEER!!!  2 deer were in the middle of the road ass to ass across both lanes.  BOOM!  I took at least one of them out and I am sure I injured the other.  I know enough not to swerve and was lucky enough to be going quite slow due to the "S" curve I just came out of.  The only damage done was to my car's grille and my nerves.  Made it home at 10:45 pm.  Long day.

January 7th........back on the road to pick up my kids.  Made it the first 200 miles and guess what?  WIND!  So strong that it was making visibility quite low and was hard to keep the car on the road.  My weather alert chimed on my phone and said that bad weather was moving into my parent's neck of the woods  also which is 175 miles further after I pick up the kids.  I pulled off the road and called my dad.  He said it was really getting nasty outside and to go back home.  He knew how tired I was and didn't think it was worth taking the kids out in it.  I called my kids, hesitantly, and cancelled our weekend together.  I felt so bad but am sure it was the right decision to make.  Turned around and came home.  8 hours in the car for nothing. 

So you see.......I am not complaining.  Just saying.  Life as we now know it involves lots of driving, lots of snow and, okay, lots of deer.   I love living here.  It is truly God's country.   I pray that God will give me a little, actually a big, break in the weather in the months ahead.  2 more months?  maybe 3?  Reality will probably be 6.  It did snow on May 31st 2 years ago up here........


  1. Oh my gosh! You're such a basket case when you drive anyway! How awful! I know it is a stupid question, because I know the pile of crap that is your ex, but do you get to reschedule with the kids?

  2. Those sound like some scary weather conditions. You seem to handle them better than I would. Living in southern california I don't even have much experience driving in the rain even. Hoping for you that the weather gives you a break.

  3. Lol! You are a funny girl. What do you think?
